Work for yourself. Don't count on larger organizations to take care of you, go for what you want instead. Decide on a course of action that suits you, that fits the things you want, and build a life around that.
Nowadays, there is a way to monetize almost anything. I was discussing a similar issue with somebody else the other day, and they were complaining that some tiktokers were making thousands by just livestreaming. They were jealous and I pointed out as much, and ultimately we discussed the idea that they should do the same thing: what they want, what they like, what they please.
Go for what you want, and don't be beholden to a large entity that exists mostly to make money, and that won't care if they do it over your dead body (as wrong as it is, no disagreements here, workers' rights were invented for a reason). Do what you want, and build your life around this.
I can already tell you're going to disagree with me, and blame the lack of money for it. But unless what you want is to never work or make efforts again in your life, then there absolutely is something that you want to do, and that can also bring you money.