"so we should expose the root issues to all of society"
I don't think that. I look at my own issues and I feel like they're my business and they're too private to share. But there's also this pro-anorexia movement I mentioned, which is why I said that the issue of obesity needs to understood. These people had so many issues, that people didn't mind their business the way you're telling me to, they stuck their nose in it, and out of it, came understanding of the underlying issue. We got closer to understanding what causes eating/food/etc disorders, what causes the mind to focus to narrow own on these things and glitch. Obesity is no different, it has a source like everything else, and apart from obesity that comes from medical issues, etc, it can absolutely be solved because one of the main factor is emotional.
People will always publicly talk about the subject because they can see that something is going on, and instead of either shaming people and telling them they're unhealthy and calling them names, or going the other extreme and acting like obesity is great, people should directly talk about what causes the issue and help solve it, because neither options, neither ways people are currently talking about the issue helps to solve it.
"Why does this bother you so much?" Because all of this is badly done. I feel like people are struggling so hard to put their finger on what the problem is that they're running around left and right instead of heading first into the solution. The way fatness used to be treated was wrong and didn't help, the way fat people responded to that treatment makes sense but it also doesn't help either. None of this is going straight to the point and stating "Ok, I have x issue, I feel bad for x reason, let's see what caused it". Instead it rather looks like "I see x issue, people are treated me in a certain way, I will respond to that, the surface stuff, instead of getting to the cause". On the long run, it doesn't actually help create relief, it doesn't make people face themselves and see themselves and understand themselves and see the truth for what it is.
"people who want to feel good about themselves are banding together to take a stand?" That's my point. People are reacting to the surface stuff, putting a band-aid on the issue, instead of solving it. Yes, people feel bad because they're fat or got treated badly for it/it made their lives difficult, so they want to feel good about themselves. Fine, why not solve the issue directly that way they'll feel better permanently? Once the problem is gone, the negativity it generates is gone too.
However, thank you for your feedback. My point was slightly different than you understood it, and I'm fairly certain I just failed to word my article better, and answering your comment actually helped me identify some things I was struggling to formulate.