Once again you are completely ignoring the real problem. People like to tell themselves it's because of their looks when the only real turn off is someone's personality.
It is very obvious to know but when someone has a genuinely decent personality, it shows on their face.
Not to mention that when somebody is charismatic, it also shows on their face. A person doesn't have to have a specific face to be attractive, and it cannot be dismissed that this absolutely begins and ends at your personality.
A good-looking face cannot make up for a shit personality, by the way, and will not help construct a long term relationship where you'd get regular, rewarding sex.
Not to mention finally that when someone loves you, they find you beautiful, and not to mention again that almost anything under the sun can be found attractive by someone, and it's just a matter of finding that person who thinks you're the hottest thing they've ever seen.
My friend currently dates a guy I consider not super nice looking. There's worse, there's better. All of us (her friends) think the same way. She doesn't think so though, so she's in a relationship with him, it's not even that she doesn't mind his face, it's that she genuinely THINKS he is good-looking. We all have our tastes. And I can tell you that because of it, we discard his looks, and focus on his personality and whether he can be a good match for her, because ultimately it's what matters. Not something as trivial as someone's features.
Your face is literally at the bottom of the list of problems, here. If someone's not getting laid, their face is the LEAST of the problem, I absolutely 1000% beyond guarantee you that.