I've said it before, I believe individual writers should be able to directly submit stories to be boosted.
I understand that the point of working with publications is that some of them give feedback to their writers to help refine the content. But not all of them do that anyway, and it does gatekeep quite a bit, because not all topics fit into the publications that currently can help you get boosted.
Not to mention that, even though nominaters can and often pick stories outside of publications, there's still too small a number of them to effectively scour the entire platform. I absolutely believe pieces worthy of being boosted must have been passed by a hundred times over.
Finally, since letting individual writers submit their stories to get boosted would open the floodgates to all manners of bullshit, it would help to have restrictions around this. Such as, being able to submit only one piece per period (per week, or month, etc).
I sincerely hope you guys will either consider doing that, or consider something close to it.
Because many authors seem to get boosted over and over, while some others don't almoat at all, and again, it feels like a lot of good things are probably being skipped.