I was expecting an entire different perspective, as a proud European, the reasons why Americans shouldn’t come on masse is because the majority of them would think of turning Europe into their new America.
Americans already look down on Europeans and have the audacity to call those who emigrate Euro trash, when they themselves are descendants of Europeans for the majority of them and yet flaunt it proudly when asked.
The EU isn’t the US and it never will be and that’s a good thing. Even if politics here aren’t superb either, the fundamental differences in mentalities are so vast that even the worst of politicians is simply mentally not as bad as the worst of American, and that’s really all. That’s why the majority of Americans also stay despite their country going worse and worse, it’s because they prefer their country, they do think it’s the greatest in the world, and they think so because nowhere else can they do what they do; get obscenely rich. And that’s good for them, honestly, because it means there is diversity on planet earth.
But unless there’s a civil war at the scale of any of the ones that created the refugee crises of the last decades, or like the one that saw Russians emigrate en masse as well to escape being drafted, there is absolutely no point for Americans to think of Europe as their safe haven; it isn’t.
There’s already a slurry of Americans that immigrated, and came here, and a lot of them corresponded to Europe and had the mentality for the country they moved to. These people are happy and I don’t see anyone bashing them for being American, because when someone is in the right place people can always sense it.
So coming here for the wrong reasons, because their country is going to hell, even though they built this country on their own, and now would rhetorically want to ditch it, toss what they built, on the back of genocides and slavery (you knew that one was coming)? No, thank you.