Ah yes, that's fine. The thing is, there's a large percentage of people with these kinds of jobs, who don't have them because they like it, but who have them because that's what's available. Society tells you to bend to what it wants (demand for repetitive tasks in corporations that simply must be accomplished if the corporation is to run, for instance), without actually coming up with something better to take care of it (AI that can take care of automated tasks, and an actual person to oversee that at the top).
So people are shoved into jobs they are not made for, with no open path towards what they do want. It means having to fight for what you want, having difficulty reaching for what you want, etc.
I think that at the end of it, the minority of people who enjoy these kinds of mind-numbing tasks, because they find them calming or meditative, will still be able to do them. It's just instead of having a global rule on "everyone must do these jobs", it'll just be based on preferences instead.
To give an example, traditional crafts are no longer the norm thankfully because of automation. Anything like creating silk by hand, traditional shoe making, etc. But there are still people who care about these crafting techniques and who keep spending the years it takes to learn the trade—by CHOICE. And that's certainly respectable, but it's a choice they're able to make freely and genuinely out of their own volition while having other paths and possibilities available to them if they chose so.
That's the only way this is ever acceptable, and that, should never be used as a way to condone repetitive jobs as a norm, because it genuinely isn't, even if a minority should be able to enjoy that in peace. The rest, is forced into it, and that's what's wrong., essentially. :)