I'm sharing unorthodox, and unusual opinions on various mainstream topics.
I believe that my insight can not only challenge firmly established ideas, but that those ideas maintain us in a state of stagnation, and prevent change for the better. And that, through new and different insight, however unwelcomed and challenging it may initially be to the status quo, we can move things forward.
In a world of repression, consciousness betrays two things when it speaks: the spoken, and the unspoken. It's the overt, and covert meaning behind our speech.
Our covert meaning often prompts what is spoken, and it leads us to many of the behaviors that I denounce and discuss through my writing. Behaviors that are dishonest, because they do not directly announce what consciousness truly thinks.
I deal with everything that is hidden and unspoken, and bring it to the light of consciousness. On this platform, I focus primarily on undercurrents coursing through the mainstream. I also give a universal and moral take on common and mainstream subjects.
Because Medium attracts a certain crowd, I do stray at times from my area of interest, though I always sprinkle my own style into my writing no matter the topic. I'm also multi-faceted and enjoy different subjects, which does not take away what I'm really about deep down.
So for purely metaphysical content, find me on my main blog: fildybejaoui.com/